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Танк-охладитель DeLaval DXOC

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Танк-охладитель DeLaval DXOC

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Танк-охладитель DeLaval DXOC открытого типа емкостью от 300 до 1800л. Ручная промывка. Агрегат смонтирован на одной раме с танком. Газовые амортизаторы облегчают подъем крышки и доступ внутрь танка.    <

  • 300 – 1800 liter
  • Delivered ready to plug-in
  • Gas spring on main lid makes easy access


Flow production with customized end-assembly, matches the tank and condensing unit. DeLaval DXOC is delivered ready to plug in which makes installation easy and minimizes associated costs.

 The CFC free, high-density polyurethane foam prevents cold milk from warming. A maximum temperature increase of less than 1°C over a 12-hour period (in an ambient temperature of 32°C) keeps milk at the best possible temperature.

 A double-plated evaporator helps provide efficient heat transfer and cooling. The scroll compressor lowers energy consumption.

 Gentle agitation is performed at the lowest tank filling level using special agitator blades. This, together with low RPM mixing, means milk fat stays in the solution without floating on the top. The agitator is fully automated for correct milk storage.

 An optional sump cup makes tank emptying gentle and complete. The sump cup also restricts air from sucking when the tank is emptied from above.

DeLaval control box MTR50 takes care of your cooling tank`s daily operation, from milk temperature and agitation to cooling time.

 Cleaning is easy thanks to the high quality finish of the double-walled, stainless steel shell. The rounded shape of the lid prevents water remaining on it and minimizes the risk of dirt adhering to the surface.

 A gas spring on the main lid offers ergonomic, easy and light access to the milk. The robust double-rod handle allows for safe and strong operation of this lid.


  • The tank is easy to clean
  • The risk of dirt adhering to the surface of the lid is minimized by it`s rounded shape
  • It is easy and quick to handle tank information using the electronic control box
  • with digital display

< Танк-охладитель DeLaval DXCE Танк-охладитель DeLaval DXCR >

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